Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 908 Daddy's Girl

Two years later...


"Are you sure the both of you are going to be alright without me?" Arianna asked for the umpteenth time, casting looks between father and daughter.

Tonight, Arianna was hanging out with with the others - Mimi and Adele - tonight. It has been a while since they had fun together ever since they become mothers and dutiful wives. Well, not for tonight. They planned to hand a good time, hence living the kids to their husbands.

But at the last minute, Arianna was beginning to have second thoughts about leaving her baby girl with Marcel. Not that Marcel couldn\'t take care of her, no, he dotted on and spoiled his little princess, however, she was beginning to miss them already even though she was going to be away for mere hours.

"We would be fine… " Marcel turned to ask his lovely daughter, Aricel, "or wouldn\'t we be, my lovely princess?"

The little girl stared at her father and clapped her hands excitedly, "We fine!"

Arianna dramatically placed her hand on her chest, "Are you sending your mama away, Aricel? Where is your loyalty? So you do want mummy to go?" She acted shocked.

Aricel giggled, her red hair getting in her eyes which Marcel carefully tugged away as she babbled, "Mamy go! Go away… mommy.. goo."

Arianna scoffed in disbelief as Marcel laughed at her.

Annoyed, she told him, "Aricel doesn\'t know what she\'s saying. Trust me, the moment I walk through that door, she\'s going to want me back."

"Sure," Marcel do not believe her.

To prove it to him, Arianna made sure to pick up her purse in the girl\'s presence and strutted towards the door while Marcel followed after her.

Once she reached the door, Arianna grabbed the knob and said in a showy way," Goodbye Aricel. Mummy\'s leaving."

As if to drive home the message, Marcel said to his daughter, "Aricel, say goodbye to your mother."

He began to wave at Arianna.

"Bye mammy…. Bye bye mommy," Aricel copied after her father, excitedly waving at her mother without even a trace of longing that she was leaving her.

Arianna nearly threw up blood at the scene. She had expected the girl would throw a tantrum at this point, but Aricel wasn\'t bothered at all. She looked so comfortable in her father\'s arms and it became obvious to Arianna whom the girl loved so much.

"I guess someone\'s daughter wouldn\'t miss her at all." Marcel rubbed his victory at her face.

Arianna was left dumbfounded. No, she refused to believe this, Marcel must have cheated. She sighed. To think she would have to work hard to win her daughter to her side.

"Miss mammy. I miss mummy. " The girl suddenly said and Arianna\'s heart melted at once while her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. Of course! She knew her baby girl was never going to abandon her.

Her baby reached for her and Marcel had no choice but to hand Aricel over to her mother, his expression full of affection, not only for his daughter, but the both of them.

"Yes, Aricel, mummy is going to miss you soon. Muah. Muah. Muah. " Arianna peppered the young girl with kisses on her face and she shyed away in between bursts of giggles.

"Now, you go back to daddy so mummy can leave." Arianna handed her back to Marcel and she eagerly reached for him till she was in her father\'s arms.

"I\'m leaving with a stomach full of my daughter\'s love," Arianna said happily. Aricel has been nothing but a bundle of joy ever since she arrived in the family. She and Marcel planned to have more kids in the future.

"I\'ll be leaving now," Arianna said, coming closer to peck him on the pecks, at the same time Aricel leaned over and pecked her top on the cheek, surprising them both. The girl was quite quick in catching on to whatever happens around her.

The both of them burst into laughter.

Marcel said, "We have to be careful what we do around her."

"Definitely." Arianna concurred.

"Stay safe. Drink responsibly and have me in your heart always."

In one word, don\'t look at other men, Arianna could read Marcel completely now.

"Sure," She pecked him once again on the lips. Aricel repeated the gesture, giggling naughtily.

And without turning back this time, Arianna took her purse and left, leaving the both of them alone.

Marcel glanced down at his daughter, "I guess it\'s me and you now. What do you say to a night alone with daddy?"

"Yeah!" Aricel shouted, throwing her hands up in the air.

"That sounds like a plan," Marcel grinned as he brought out his phone and called Victor.

As soon as the line went through, he announced, "Arianna just left. I am heading to the location with my baby. Where are you?"

Victor answered, "Mimi left now as well, heading to the location too."

"See you there."

"See you there."

Once the call ended, Marcel said to his daughter, "What do you say we have a little fun, my princess?"

She grinned widely and Marcel pumped his fist in the air, taking that as a yes!

And that was how the both of them were in his car minutes later and he put on both of their seat belts and stepped on the gas, driving out of the base.

While on the way, Marcel decided to disclose the plans to the little girl since she was the only person he could talk to anyway.

"So we are going to have fun at your uncle, Elijah\'s place. We would have brought the fun to our place but then, your uncle has too many babies to handle with Adele leaving him behind to have fun with your mommy. Also, I\'m sure you would have a good time with your cousins, wouldn\'t you, Aricel?"

Aricel babbled God knows he has no idea what she just said, yet that still brought a smile to Marcel\'s face.

See, the both of them understood each other so well. Aricel would definitely be daddy\'s girl.

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