Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 605

Jason ruffled his hair in frustration, Natalie was going to land herself in trouble real soon and it was all going to be on him. He has been hiding a lot about Natalie’s activities from Eric lately and it was beginning to bother him considering she was being reckless nowadays.

It was as if something inside of her changed after she learned that Edward was dead. It was as if she no longer cared anymore if something happened to her – or if she’s found out by Daniel. Natalie promised him that she was not going to make a big deal out of this, but Jason was the fool for believing an emotional woman.

“Nothing about my life has been good since the first day I got entangled with Daniel,” Natalie said without halting in her steps or turning to look at who she was speaking to. She knew instinctively that Jason was following her. He was always beside her.

He quickly overtook her and blocked her way, “That was in the past. Now you have a great future ahead of you to live in the past. There’s no use digging into the past.” Jason advised her, hoping to change her mind about her plans.

Natalie stood at the spot and looked at him steadily as if she was considering his words, only to say,

“My mind is fixed,” She moved past him.

“No, Natalie -” Jason attempted to grab her only to see Eric from the corner of his eyes and kept his distance at once. Thanks to Natalie’s carelessness, he was beginning to forget his place and crossing the line.

No matter how valuable he was to him, Jason knew Eric would get rid of him if he sensed him making a move on his woman. And sure, Natalie was an attractive woman even at her age, but she was not his type. He liked his woman younger.


“What is going on here?” Eric asked, staring at the both of them suspiciously. He knew something was up, it was every day that his assistant and his wife-to-be got into an argument.

“Nothing serious, aside from him bothering me to have a bed rest,” Natalie lied without blinking an eye. She has lived long enough with Eric to know when he’s being suspicious and how to throw him off.

“Are all the men in this place so annoying? Why won’t they let a woman be when she says no?” Natalie sashayed over to him and wrapped her arms around her neck, “I’m good now. Nobody is stopping me from going out,” She was making a statement not just to Jason, but to Eric too.

“How was your day?” Natalie asked just as she kissed him fully on the mouth.

“Better now that you’re here,” He murmured against her lips, every suspicion Eric had about her flew out the window as he concentrated on kissing her.

His arms wrapped around her waist, pressing her more closely to his body while he kissed her harder, relishing the taste of her lips.

He pulled apart, “Is your appointment really important?” Eric wanted to spend time with her. These days, both of them were so busy with work he hasn’t had her in his bed for days.

“Nice trick,” Natalie laughed, kissing him harder as if she wanted to replenish the time they lost already, however, she broke apart saying, “My work is important too, Eric. But I’m up for anything tonight,”

There was a hint of promise in her tone that made Eric’s eyes light up and a smile curled his lips to the side.

“I can’t wait,” He kissed her one more time before letting him go.

“I’ll be back,” Natalie said and took his leave, Jason following after her.

However, before Jason left, he bowed his head to Eric who acknowledged his greeting, watching as the both of them left through the door. Although he needed Jason the most seeing he was the most capable and his second in command, Eric was more at peace with him following Natalie, knowing he’d protect her even at the expense of his life.

Natalie was already seated in the back seat while Jason entered the front seat and took the heels. He said to her before driving out of the place,

“You become more adept at lying to Eric. Imagine how he would feel when he comes to learn the truth of what you’re up to. Have you thought of how betrayed he would feel, you going after your ex?”

“That ex also happens to be late and the father of my child,” Natalie reminded him sternly, “It’s not like Eric was going to let him go even if I told him. That is if he doesn’t know everything and has been hiding it from me all this while?”

Jason’s gaze connected with Natalie’s through the rearview mirror and he could see the accusation in her eyes. She was suspecting Eric knew all of this and hid it away from him. Well, Eric does know, but he didn’t tell her for her own sake.

Look what she’s up to now, not to talk of what she would do if she learns Daniel’s son is with his daughter. Jason didn’t even want to think about it and concentrated on his driving else she suspects other things.

At the same time at Daniel’s place....

“Boss,” His assistant said to him right after he was done attending to a client and had to wait till the guest left.

“What is it?” Daniel turned to him, annoyed. He was tired and hoped whatever his assistant had in hand better be worth it else he would bear the brunt of his anger.

“It’s about the girl,” He handed the papers to him, “I found out where she lived before all of this. She still has family around, do you want to visit them?” The assistant suggested.

Daniel thought about it. He then looked down on his watch, then back on the document. He sighed.

“Fine, get the car ready,”

He wanted to get this over with.

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